Xuelong Sun




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18 April 2023

Neuron Models

by Xuelong Sun

The models in this category describe the relationship between neuronal membrane currents at the input stage, and membrane voltage at the output stage. This category includes (generalized) integrate-and-fire models and biophysical models inspired by the work of Hodgkin–Huxley in the early 1950s using an experimental setup that punctured the cell membrane and allowed to force a specific membrane voltage/current (see wiki).

1. Hodgkin-Huxley neuron model (HH model)

\(C_m\frac{dV_m(t)}{dt} = I - I_{ion}\)

\[I_{ion} = g_{Na}m^3h(V_m - E_{Na}) - g_Kn^4(V_m - E_k) - g_l(V_m - E_l)\]

where, the $m$ (quick Na+ influx), $n$ (slow K+ outflux), \(h\) (slow Na+ influx) represents the voltage gated ionic channels ( dimensionless probabilities between 0 and 1 that are associated with channel subunits):

\[\frac{dx}{dt} = \alpha(V_m)(1 - x) - \beta(V_m)x\]

where \(x = {m, n, h}\) and \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) refers to the time constant of gate open and close respectively.

This differential equation have the following solution when \(V_m\) is constant:

\[x(t) = x(0)e^{-(\alpha + \beta)t} + \frac{\alpha}{\alpha + \beta}(1 - e^{-(\alpha+\beta)t}), t \geq 0\]

the quantity \(\tau = 1 / (\alpha + \beta)\) is the time constant of the rate process at constant membrane potential. The dimensionless quantity \(\alpha / (\alpha + \beta) = \tau\alpha\) is the steady-state probability at constant membrane potential.

\(\alpha_m(V_m) = \frac{0.1(25-V)}{e^{\frac{25-V}{10}}-1}\), \(\alpha_n(V_m) = \frac{0.01(10-V)}{e^{\frac{10-V}{10}}-1}\), \(\alpha_h(V_m) = 0.07e^{-V/20}\),

\(\beta_m(V_m) = 4e^{-V/18}\), \(\beta_n(V_m) = 0.125e^{-V/80}\), \(\beta_h(V_m) = \frac{1}{e^{\frac{30-V}{10}}+1}\),

where \(V = V_m - V_{rest}\) denots the depolarization.

class HHNeuron:
    class Gate:
        # this are dynamically updateds
        alpha, beta, state = 0, 0, 0
        def update(self, deltaTms):
            alphaState = self.alpha*(1 - self.state)
            betaState = self.beta * self.state
            self.state += deltaTms * (alphaState - betaState)
        def setInfiniteState(self):
            self.state = self.alpha / (self.alpha + self.beta)
    gNa, gK, gKleak = 120, 36, 0.3
    m, n, h = Gate(), Gate(), Gate()
    Cm = 1 # uF/cm^2
    def __init__(self, startingVoltage=-65):
        self.ENa, self.EK, self.EKleak = 115+startingVoltage, -12+startingVoltage, 10.6+startingVoltage
        self.Vrest = startingVoltage
        self.Vm = self.Vrest
    def UpdateGateTimeConstants(self, Vm):
        """Update time constants of all gates based on the given Vm"""
        self.n.alpha = .01 * ((10-(Vm - self.Vrest)) / (np.exp((10-(Vm - self.Vrest))/10)-1))
        self.n.beta = .125*np.exp(-(Vm - self.Vrest)/80)
        self.m.alpha = .1*((25-(Vm - self.Vrest)) / (np.exp((25-(Vm - self.Vrest))/10)-1))
        self.m.beta = 4*np.exp(-(Vm - self.Vrest)/18)
        self.h.alpha = .07*np.exp(-(Vm - self.Vrest)/20)
        self.h.beta = 1/(np.exp((30-(Vm - self.Vrest))/10)+1)

    def UpdateCellVoltage(self, stimulusCurrent, deltaTms):
        """calculate channel currents using the latest gate time constants"""
        INa = np.power(self.m.state, 3) * self.gNa * self.h.state*(self.Vm-self.ENa)
        IK = np.power(self.n.state, 4) * self.gK * (self.Vm-self.EK)
        IKleak = self.gKleak * (self.Vm-self.EKleak)
        Isum = stimulusCurrent - INa - IK - IKleak
        self.Vm += deltaTms * Isum / self.Cm

    def UpdateGateStates(self, deltaTms):
        """calculate new channel open states using latest Vm"""

    def Iterate(self, stimulusCurrent=0, deltaTms=0.05):
        self.UpdateCellVoltage(stimulusCurrent, deltaTms)

To run simulation and plot the results:

hh = HHNeuron()
pointCount = 5000
voltages = np.empty(pointCount)
times = np.arange(pointCount) * 0.05
stim = np.zeros(pointCount)
stim[1200:3800] = 6.5  # create a square pulse

for i in range(len(times)):
    hh.Iterate(stimulusCurrent=stim[i], deltaTms=0.05)
    voltages[i] = hh.Vm
    # note: you could also plot hh's n, m, and k (channel open states)

f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(12, 6),
                             gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [3, 1]})

ax1.plot(times, voltages, 'b')
ax1.set_ylabel("Membrane Potential (mV)")
ax1.set_title("Hodgkin-Huxley Spiking Neuron Model", fontsize=16)

ax2.plot(times, stim, 'r')
ax2.set_ylabel("Stimulus (µA/cm²)")
ax2.set_xlabel("Simulation Time (milliseconds)")

plt.margins(0, 0.1)

1.2 Integrate-and-fire model (LIF)

In the most general form:

\[C_m\frac{dV}{dt} = g_mf(V) + I + I_a\]

Perfect Integrate-and-fire model (LIF)

\[C_m\frac{dV}{dt} = I\]

Leaky Integrate-and-fire model (LIF)

\(C_m\frac{dV}{dt} = -g_L(V - E_L) + I\) if \(V(t) = V_{th}\) then \(V(t + \Delta t) = E_L\)

Adaptive Integrate-and-fire model

\(C_m\frac{dV}{dt} = -g_L(V - E_L) + I - \sum_k{w_k}\) if \(V(t) = V_{th}\) then \(V(t + \Delta t) = E_L\)

\[\tau_k\frac{dw_k}{dt} = a_k(V - E_L) - w_k\]

add linearized spike-triggered current \(w_k(t + \Delta t) = w_k + b_k\)

to enable spike frequency adaption and is equivalent to HH model.

Further, adding exponential/quadratic function in the vlotage-dependent leak:

\[C_m\frac{dV}{dt} = -g_L(V - E_L) + \Delta_{T}e^{\frac{V - V_{rh}}{\Delta_T}}/R + I - \sum_k{w_k}\]
class LIFNeuron:
    def __init__(self, dt=0.1):
        self.v_th = -55.0  # mv
        self.v_reset = -75.0 # mv
        self.tau = 10.0 # ms
        self.gL = 10.0 # msi
        self.EL = -75.0 # mv
        self.v = -75.0 # mv
        # refractory period
        self.rf_t_p = 4.0
        self.rf_t = 0
        self.spike = 0
        self.dt = dt # ms
    def update(self, I):
        self.spike = 0
        if self.rf_t > 0:
            # still in refractory period
            self.rf_t -= self.dt
        elif self.v >= self.v_th:
            # action potential
            self.spike = 1
            self.v = self.v_reset
            self.rf_t = self.rf_t_p
            # update membrane potential
            self.v += (-(self.v - self.EL) + I / self.gL) * self.dt / self.tau
        return self.v, self.spike
    def run(self, timeout, I):
        tT = int(timeout/self.dt)
        r_spikes = []
        r_v = np.zeros([tT])
        # re-assign injection current
        if isinstance(I, float):
            # constant injecting current
            inj_I = np.ones(tT) * I
        elif len(I) == 1:
            # pulse current
            inj_I = np.ones(tT) * I
            inj_I[:int(tT/2)-1000] = 0
            inj_I[int(tT/2)+1000:] = 0
        elif len(I) < tT:
            print('not valid I input')
            return 1
        for t in range(tT):
            r_v[t] = self.v
            if self.spike == 1:
        return r_v, r_spikes

run simulation and plot the results

neuron = LIFNeuron(dt=0.1)

v1, sp1 = neuron.run(500, [260])

neuron.v = -75
v2, sp2 = neuron.run(500, [130])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,6))

ax.scatter(sp1, len(sp1)*[-54], color='k', marker='^')

1.3 Spike response model

Also the IF type of model with a firing threshold, but more general than leak IF

\[V(t) = \eta(t - \hat{t}) + \int_{0}^{+\infty}\kappa(t - \hat{t}, s)I(t - s)ds\]

if \(V(t) \geq \theta\) and \(\dot{V(t)} > 0\), then \(\hat{t} = t\), where \(\theta\) is the threshold that can be time-dependent:

\(\theta(t - \hat{t}) = +\infty\) if \(t - \hat{t} \leq \gamma_{ref}\) else \(\theta_0 + \theta_1e^{-(t - \hat{t})/\tau}\),

where \(\gamma_{ref}\) is a fixed absolute refractory period.

tags: Web - Neuroscience - Tutorial